Win-Win with Liv Boeree
#14 - Boyan Slat: Solving Ocean Plastic

#14 - Boyan Slat: Solving Ocean Plastic

Today's Win-Win episode is with Boyan Slat. Boyan is the founder and CEO of the Ocean Cleanup, the famous organization that's trying to rid our waterways of plastic for good. I ask him why plastic has become such a problem, the difference between effective and ineffective regulation (ahem Plastic Straw Ban!), the importance of mindset when solving hard problems, and of course, his relationship with competition. Good stuff.

00:00:00 - Intro

00:01:25 - Origin Story

00:07:52 - How the Ocean Cleanup Works

00:17:20 - Practical vs Ideological Solutions

00:38:01 - Role of Regulation in Fixing Incentives

00:45:14 - Plastic Straw Ban

00:52:30 - Personal plastic usage and Trade-offs

01:00:41 - Is Technology Values Neutral?

01:07:31 - Competition

01:13:10 - How to Solve Big Problems

01:20:45 - Long-term plans

Win-Win with Liv Boeree
Former poker pro Liv Boeree takes to the interview chair to tease apart the complexities of one of the most fundamental parts of human nature: competition.
Liv is joined by top philosophers, gamers, artists, technologists, CEOs, scientists, athletes and more to understand how competition manifests in their world, and how to change seemingly win-lose situations into Win-Wins.