Congrats on the big win! 👏👏👏 Love your podcast and win-win philosophies! I am throwing in my 2 cents in where the money should be spent to combat this issue and I propose considering investing it in a solution rather than focusing on fighting the problem. I would encourage you to look to invest in a sustainable food startup or a regenerative farmer or initiative that demonstrates how farming SHOULD be done or the future you want to see and give them a better chance to get off the ground. ✨✨ (and ideally you could find that win-win… a startup looking to do things differently that also brings a spotlight to current atrocities by partnering or supporting nonprofits of that nature)

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thanks for the suggestion, will look into it!

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I just read that scientists have determined that pigs are the 5th most intelligent animal on the planet. My experience raising one from 10 days old confirms this. That makes the horrors of modern meat production even more heinous. Coco's idea of ethical meat production is good and it could combine with some sort of media production about pigs with feelings and a purpose. Remember the movie Babe? It probably did more to turn people into vegetarians than any other "investment". Babe 2 - The Great Escape would be an action-packed thriller where a plucky band of wild pigs break into factory farm and liberate their cousins. The marauding herd (after eating the cruel farmers) stampede into the Capital building during a session of Congress and hamstring a few politicians until they're given the legal protections they need. They then annex Florida where they plan an assault on Cuba....In the next movie. Babe 3 - Swine Trek they take over Space X....

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Jesus christ, that’s nuts 😁 Congratulations Liv. Well done 👏🏻

And good of you to think of the animals.

You may enjoy the very short book “Consider the Turkey” by Peter Singer.

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Congratulations, Liv!!! What an amazing awesome accomplishment. Well done. One for the ages. I hope your 2025 is even better but that will be hard to beat. You'll certainly have a great bankroll for a lot of poker.

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Thanks Chris! Probably not too much poker, but yes I'm a lucky girl.

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I LOVE this story! Here’s to helping pork lovers eat “Win-win” instead of “Treated like Shit”…imagine how much healthier they will feel ;)

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Poker is a strange world. I’ve played north of 800 live tournaments myself, and still have a deep love for the game. I’ve always felt the influx of solvers has helped us old-schoolers, not because they tell us what to do in tough spots, but because they get others to do uncomfortable things they wouldn’t normally do. For that reason I believe solvers have helped those who rely on a gut feel of our opponents comfort level to make the big decisions.

As for the universe rewarding your charitable decision, I think you may be on to something. The single biggest score of my career came immediately after returning home from the funeral of a friend who passed from cancer. Ive never had the deck hit me in the face like it did that weekend. I still wonder if it was donating $$, or my friend watching from above which provided the run-good. Either way, I truly believe the universe gives back what you put out…

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Yessss this is the kind of story I was hoping for! It’s so wild when the deck just hits you like that. Great point re: solvers too, although it can go both ways (because it gives bad players confidence to make good plays, and then hide behind a hoody or whatever)

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Congrats Liv! So fascinating (the manifestation bit) and so cool you’re applying some of your brain power to the food conundrum. I’d love to read about your thoughts and processes as you decide how best to contribute with the money. I feel this real tension between the energy we put into fight something we don’t want versus the energy we put in to create something new. Regenerative agriculture has to be a win-win in the food space for sure. I am looking forward to hearing what and how you decide! Xo

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Congratulations Liv and thank you for speaking up for the voiceless.

You might enjoy this short story by John Robbins

The Pig Farmer


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You're awesome!

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Across cultures and millennia, countless people have recognized what could be described as a medium of communication tied to consciousness—a kind of API into spacetime. To dismiss it as impossible or delusional, as the rationalist paradigm often does, is to imply that billions of people throughout history are profoundly wrong or crazy.

The evidence is not hard to see—it’s woven into human experience—but it’s hard to accept because it challenges the boundaries of Enlightenment materialism. What happens when these processes are no longer dismissed, but integrated into science? What does engineering look like when this hidden system becomes manipulatable through technology?

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Very cool, you're going to help a lot of animals. Respect!

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20% of my net work when my company IPOs (est'd: 2030)

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That bluff-call losing to TT has got to be a one-in-20K hands thing, max. I mean, how often does someone bluff, get called, and win?

Were you able to keep your cool when it happened so deep in a massive tournament ?

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Well it definitely ruffled me for a bit, given it meant my stack was effectively half of what it was “meant” to be for most of the rest of the day. But the hand was so unusual and confirming of my reading skills that it kinda made up for it!

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I just won $5 on a lottery scratch card that cost $5. Winning!

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Congratulations! What a fun story. I really felt the belief in something deeper being a motivating factor in your flow, the why moving the needle more than anything else. Beautiful.

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